Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Don't Cry For Me Argentina

As I sit here in the dark of my hostel's heavily graffitied lobby I realize this will be my last night in Argentina. It is 9:30, oh no wait 21:30. The Argentines will start going out to have dinner in a couple of hours. Anyhow, I'm in no rush. Some of the graffiti is painted in UV paint and glows underneath the black lights. Some guy from Australia showed me his UV tattoo yesterday. It's invisible normally. Finished The Hobbit today and ate a hot dog. Indeed my adventuring is coming to a close and I couldn't be happier. Just like Bilbo and his halfling friends, I,  enjoy a good cozy burrow, food, drink, and a quiet agenda. Though I'm not much for pipe weed, tobacco mind you. Yes, I am eager to enter the land of the English speakers, and that magical place called Los Angeles. A treasure trove of multi-cultured eatables. Ahhhhhhh! It's been like a long twilight zone episode. Yesterday I ordered guacamole and got a green sauce. To quote my parents, "I'm not mad, just upset." Well, all of the craziness of Argentina will soon be below me, if south is down. Ratatat plays in my ears. A belated Hannukah party awaits me at home, as does the option to consume root beer.
            Some of my strongest memories: Getting electrocuted in the chest. Not sure if I've mentioned this, but I got quick the shock when I walked into a previously benign fence back at the cheese farm. I felt my heart beat and then got thrown to the floor. The guys I was working the field with just started laughing. Miss those guys. They never wore underwear, shoes and seldom shirts. I took a jar of dulce de leche from the farm, which eventually broke in my pack. Fortunately, I had it in the electronics bag. I had great fun cleaning dulce de leche off everything. I must admit I'm pretty good at that. There's also the time I hitched a ride with Rodolfo, the eccentric alternate anesthesiologist. He sometimes stings people with bees in his work. He's also not the best driver out there. We popped one tire, and almost slid of the road about four hours later. Very nice guy though. I will also never forget all of the incredibly creative salads I've had in Argentina. Each one was awful in it's own unique way. A favorite was the caprese which consisted of five cheese medallions and five tomato slices arranged in a circle with a single sprig of basil in the middle. I'm also having flashbacks of the variety of hostel's I've graced with my presence. I'll be honest, it's been weird. There was Ana's house, a hostel set in the desolate town of Cholila. Ana was nice, but it took me ten minutes to figure out how to flush the toilets. A technique I'm not eager to share. This current one has the reception on the third floor. I got sprayed with silly string by one of the staff members today. There was also the gas house nestled in the hurry-get-out town of Rio Gallegos. I could smell this hostel walking up to it's front door. A propane palace of blue and pink. It was there in Rio Gallegos that I experienced the death funeral of ex-president, Nestor Kirschner. I've learned to cook rice, and more impressively, a mean pasta sauce from absolute scratch. I've watched maybe four dozen movies and the entirety of Twin Peaks and Carnivalé, that one show that was on HBO. I've written a handful of blog entires, and engendered several ideas for movies that one day I'd like to direct. One involves chasing ghosts. I've bought three jackets. Met up with two of my college friends, and made countless others, from around the world. Some of which don't live too far, and might be seeing again. I might be changing my major to film, and my stomach is more sensitive than it used to be. I'm ok with both of these things. I hiked on a glacier, got drenched by a waterfall and saw some whales. The most valuable thing I'll come away with? A leather jacket, and a greater affinity for my friends, mexican food, movies and the states. And my hair's longer. All in all, a good trip. Consider this the death of a travel blag and the start of much more random but equally as awesome general life blag. Blag? Blag!

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